
7 Summer Wellness & Self-Care Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle

Summer Health Tips & Summer Self-Care Ideas

Ah, summertime!

The season of sun-kissed skin, balmy evenings, and a general feeling of ‘off-duty’ bliss.

But while you’re kicking back on the beach or sipping lemonade, don’t forget about your self-care routine—because when the weather sizzles, so should your well-being.

Here’s how to ensure your summer is not just hot, but also harmonious, with five refreshing self-care and wellness tips!

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Summer Wellness Tips:

1. Hydrate Like It’s Your Full-Time Job

In the summer heat, hydration isn’t just a health recommendation—it’s a survival strategy.

Even if you feel like you’re drinking enough water, drink some more. 

And that plain old H2O? It’s not the only game in town.

Swap out your regular bottles for tasty concoctions: think cucumber-infused water, a zesty splash of citrus, or a berry medley.

They even sell fruit-infused water bottles to make hydrating a little easier!

One of the perks of staying hydrated (other than, well, not feeling like a wilted plant) is the boost to your skin health. And who doesn’t want that coveted summer glow?

Tip:  Try adding electrolyte tablets or electrolyte powder (my new favorite) to give yourself an extra boost of energy.  

Caffeine, sodas, and alcohol are all very dehydrating, so try your best to match every glass of rosé you’re drinking with a glass of water (or two!). 

2. Encourage “Me” Time

The slower pace of summer is tailor-made for self-reflection and relaxation.

Take advantage by designating a ‘me’ time each day.

Whether it’s for reading your favorite book, journaling (check out this awesome 5-minute journal) a sunset stroll, or indulging in a guilt-free Netflix binge, carve out time for yourself.

Prioritize your mental well-being by engaging in activities that bring you joy, calm, and a sense of personal fulfillment.

Tip: Create a cozy space at home for your ‘me’ time, complete with scented candles and your go-to comfort items.

Bonus Tip: Set a “health” schedule – this includes both mental and physical health.

For example: every single morning, I take time to ground myself and prepare for the rest of my day.  

I also put my workouts in my calendar, so I stick to my workout routine consistently.

Related Health & Wellness Article: Surprising Benefits of Drinking Hot Water With Lemon

summer health tips

3. Protect Your Precious Skin

Sunburn is the ultimate summer spoiler.

Prioritize protection with broad-spectrum sunscreen, a wide-brimmed hat, and UV-protective clothing.

Go a step further by arming yourself with after-sun products like aloe vera gel for inevitable overexposures.

Shielding your skin isn’t just about avoiding burns; it’s also safeguarding against long-term damage like premature aging and skin cancer.

Health Tip: Buy travel-sized sunscreen (in bulk) to keep in your purse, work bag, or car.

Reapply sunscreen every couple of hours, and don’t forget those easily overlooked spots like your earlobes and the tops of your feet!


4. Move Your Body in Ways You Love

The heat might make couch-lounging tempting, but summer’s all about movement!

Take advantage of the longer days by making activities your workouts: outdoor walks, playing tennis, swimming, biking, or even beach volleyball.

When you enjoy the activity, exercise becomes a joy, not a chore. Plus, the natural endorphins will leave you feeling energized and revitalized.

Tip: Switch up your workout routine to keep it fresh. From morning yoga to afternoon tennis to sunset jogs, variety keeps motivation high.

5. Connect with Nature

Nothing rejuvenates quite like nature.

Spend time among the trees, swim in the ocean, or have a picnic in the park.

Integrate nature into your daily routine by tending to indoor plants, choosing natural views from your workspace, or even just taking your lunch in a green space.

It’s not just about scenery; studies show that exposure to nature can reduce stress levels and increase a sense of well-being.

Tip: If a full-scale nature excursion isn’t possible, bring a bit of the outdoors inside with fresh flowers or a terrarium.

6. Eat a Seasonal Diet

Indulging in the bounty of summer fruits and vegetables not only delights the palate but also provides your body with a variety of nutrients and antioxidants.

Look for produce that is at its peak of freshness; think berries, tomatoes, cucumbers, and leafy greens. Eating seasonally supports local farmers and minimizes your carbon footprint.

If you’re on the go, fresh smoothies and juices make for great pick-me-ups throughout the day.

Tip: Visit your local farmers’ market to discover new varieties of produce and inspire your summer cooking with fresh, flavorful ingredients.

Related Health & Wellness Article: The Importance of Probiotics & Gut Health

7. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation

Summer is the perfect time to start or deepen your mindfulness and meditation practice.

Take advantage of the early sunrises and warm evenings to meditate in natural light.

Even a few minutes a day can help reduce stress, improve focus, and increase your overall sense of peace.

Tip: Guided meditation apps are awesome for beginners! You can also attend a local outdoor yoga session to integrate mindfulness into your summer routine.

Wrapping Up Summer Wellness Tips

These seven self-care pillars for the summer are more than just tips; they’re your foundation for a season filled with vitality, joy, and serene well-being.

Remember, self-care is not a luxury; it’s a necessity that nourishes both the body and soul, ensuring you’re at your best to enjoy the splendors of summer.

Whether it’s protecting your skin, moving your body joyfully, staying hydrated, or connecting deeply with nature, each step contributes to a holistic sense of wellness.

By heeding these five self-care tips, you’re guaranteeing a summer that leaves you not only warm, but feeling wonderfully well-cared-for, inside and out.

Here’s to a summer that’s as enriching as it is enjoyable—may it be your best one yet!

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Mindfully Glam by Marisa Barnard

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